Why can't I remember
where I put the keys
when it was me
who just had them?
Why do I sometime do something
that I later regret?
Like if it wasn't even me!
Why can't I stop thinking about something, even though
I don't want to think about it
Why I sometimes feel sad,
even though,
I absolutely don't want
to feel sad?
About book
The book Error may clash with your philosophical beliefs, your religious beliefs, or your ego. As you read it, you may feel the urge to tear it up, throw it away, burn it, or throw it at someone who gave it to you...
But try to overcome this urge and finish the book. Many of the ideas described in the book you may have already felt "somewhere inside", or they may only "fit" properly with time and therefore...
start to make sense
in the context of life situations.
Sometimes we may come across a single sentence that can change our lives and is worth the effort.
When you read this book, know that all the characters and stories are fictional. Any resemblance to you and millions or billions of other people is completely "coincidental"...
There is a certain knowledge and awareness that I wish I had possessed earlier. More than once, the familiar thought "if only" ran through my mind.
"If only I had known this earlier."
Many of us may encounter our own "if only" in various life situations.
If only I had known...
... before a relationship/marriage,
... before the arrival of a child,
... before a serious illness,
... before... death...
and had not let life slip through my fingers unconsciously, like a slave to emotions, instincts, and bodily programs. Unconsciously, merely like...
"a passive spectator of my own existence".
“If I only had understood my inner strength earlier.”
Because, by changing my own life, I can create a better society, I can change the future, I can change the world.
This book is a contribution of my own "if only." A contribution so that, ideally, there will be no need for the thought...
"if only I could turn back time!"
That's why the...
book ERROR was created...
Extracts from the book
Adult versus "Adult"
Taking control of the innate dosage of bodily programs in our heads is one of the most important tasks of our children. But is it a task only for our children? Does it mean that, once we are no longer snatching ice cream cones out of the hands of passers-by, once we are no longer afraid of the bogeyman under our bed, or once we no longer cry after losing a game of Monopoly, that we have taken control of the programs, we are officially adults and it is "mission accomplished"?
Children usually have a highly idealised notion of adults...
In their eyes, adults tend to be the sensible ones, the ones who don't do "stupid stuff" anymore, who know everything, who understand all there is to know. However, if we see the whole picture, we may see that this may not be the case at all. While children are afraid of the dark, adults are afraid of change.
Children can't resist sweets, but how many adults resist junk food and eat healthily? Children are often accused of being lazy, but how many adults actually overcome laziness? There are a lot of obese children nowadays, but how many adults are not overweight? Children are envious, but how many of us gnash our teeth at the sight of our neighbour's new car, new house, better figure, success? Children don't like to share, but how many families have been on bad terms over something like an inheritance?
So, if it is true that children almost fully submit to bodily programs, are many of us adults really better at it?
6 reasons to have a book in your bookshelf...
The book may help you become
a better parent, partner, colleague...
a better person.
The book can inspire an awareness of what (does not) separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom and how to take the next step towards personal maturity.
You'll discover what bodily programs are and whether all of 'our' thoughts are really ours.
You will start living more consciously and stop merely surviving on autopilot.
You can understand the energy and bodily processes that arise from emotions. This way, you'll better comprehend your reactions and be able to control them more effectively.
And perhaps it will even help you realize the most important thing that counts to our 'life score' before death